Looking for a Gift for A Special Mom in Your Life this Mother’s Day?

Why not sponsor a child in her honor through NourishNC?

Most of us have fond memories of food from our childhood. Whether it was our mom’s homemade lasagna or a memorable chocolate birthday cake, food has a way of transporting us back to the past. To this day, it’s crazy to me that, while I struggle to remember my cell phone number or grapple helplessly to recall my closest of friends’ names when I am required to introduce them, the merest sniff of pound cake can bring back some of my happiest childhood memories from over 15 years ago. But through my work with NourishNC, I have learned of so many children who simply do not have access to the most basic and fundamental need in their lives, food.

This Mother’s Day, make a gift of $90 to NourishNC in honor of a mom in your life. This donation will be used to supply 3 meals and a snack every day for the 70 days of Summer Break to a chronically hungry child in New Hanover County. This gift will not only provide a basic need to a local child but will help moms in our area allocate their limited funds to their families other basic needs, including their own. When making your donation be sure to print out a NourishNC Mother’s Day card which can be found here.

Our vision is to be anywhere and everywhere hungry kids need us

NourishNC has three strategic programs specifically designed to provide nutritious food to hungry children in our community.

Click here to learn more about our Backpack Program

Backpack Program

The Backpack Program provides food insecure children, pre-K through 5th grade, with three nutritious meals a day, every weekend, and over every school break.

Click here to learn more about Market On Market program

Market On Market

The Market on Market (The MoM) is a full-service grocery store where food insecure children, pre-K through 12th grade, and their families can shop to choose the food that is best for them.

Click here to learn more about our Food Farmacy program

Mobile Market on Market

Mobile MoM is a custom-built market that revolutionizes nourishment for food-insecure children and their families.

Click here to learn more about our Food Farmacy program

Food Farmacy

The Food Farmacy Program provides non-perishable and fresh food items through partner organizations such as schools, pediatrician offices, and other nonprofits.