Reverse Trick-or-Treat…

Bring Our Kids Something Good to EAT!

By Kellie Furr, Program Director

Thursday, October 26th
5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
601 Greenfield St. Wilmington, NC 28401
Admission: 1 Bag of Food from our Most Wanted List
Pre-Registration is required. Click Reverse Trick-or-Treat to sign up!

We Won’t Let Hunger Haunt Our Kids this HalloweenWe’re hosting the first-ever “Reverse Trick-or-Treat” packing where you and your family bring food for our kids to eat! This will be a great opportunity for kids and families to scare hunger away together this season! We’ll be packing 500 Backpacks AND 2,000 Snack Packs!

Pre-Registration is required. 100 person limit. Click Reverse Trick-or-Treat to sign up!

Bring Our Kids Something GOOD to Eat! We ask that you bring at least one bag of food from our most wanted list, but we encourage you to bring more! Click to view our Most Wanted List

Costumes Encouraged
Just BOO sure you can still Pack, Play and SCARE HUNGER AWAY! Don’t forget closed-toe shoes are required and our warehouse is not temperature controlled, so dress for the weather!

Station 1: Decorate Bags
Station 2: Pack Snack Packs
Station 3: Pack Backpacks
Station 4: Photo BOO-th


Can’t Make It? Other Ways You Can Help This Halloween!

Halloween Party Collection! Donate if you DARE to ENTER…
Monster mashing with your favorite ghouls and goblins this Halloween? Collect food from our Most Wanted List as an entry fee to the frightening festivities!

Door-to-Door for Food!
Arrange a community Trick-Or-Treat food drive! Hand out flyers in advance to get the word out! Grab your friends and go door-to-door through your neighborhood collecting non-perishable food from our Most Wanted List!

Snack Pack Stuffing Party!
Snack Packs are a quick, ready-to-go snack option for our Pantry Pals; after-school programs, community centers, and other nonprofits that serve children. Snack Packs contain a juice box and three snacks! The best part, you can stuff Snack Packs for our kids in the comfort of your home, church or business! Click Snack Packs to learn how!


Our vision is to be anywhere and everywhere hungry kids need us

NourishNC has three strategic programs specifically designed to provide nutritious food to hungry children in our community.

Click here to learn more about our Backpack Program

Backpack Program

The Backpack Program provides food insecure children, pre-K through 5th grade, with three nutritious meals a day, every weekend, and over every school break.

Click here to learn more about Market On Market program

Market On Market

The Market on Market (The MoM) is a full-service grocery store where food insecure children, pre-K through 12th grade, and their families can shop to choose the food that is best for them.

Click here to learn more about our Food Farmacy program

Mobile Market on Market

Mobile MoM is a custom-built market that revolutionizes nourishment for food-insecure children and their families.

Click here to learn more about our Food Farmacy program

Food Farmacy

The Food Farmacy Program provides non-perishable and fresh food items through partner organizations such as schools, pediatrician offices, and other nonprofits.