Your Impact 2021

Because of your support, 2021 was another great year for NourishNC and its kiddos. Check out all the amazing things you helped make happen!

  • 1,652 food-insecure children on the Backpack Program are provided with 628,383 meals right here in our community!
  •  231,437 pounds of fresh food provided to children and their families including fresh fruit and veggies, meat, bread, and eggs!
  • 97% of parents report that the Backpack Program has helped improve their child’s health!
  • 446 Food Farmacy and Toddler Tummies food boxes were given to children in their doctors’ offices or delivered right to their homes!
  • 100% of school social workers and counselors “Strongly Agree” (91%) and “Agree” that “The NourishNC Backpack Program is Effective”!
  • 32 pandemic outreach events with 16 community partners including vaccine events, grocery drive-thrus at schools, churches, community centers, and direct delivery to homes and neighborhoods!

Thank you for stepping up for our kids! You were there for us through a global pandemic and the longest food lines I have ever seen. Thank You. With your help we provided hundreds of thousands of nutritious meals to children and their families right here in our community. Despite the challenges, we stayed true to our vision to be “anywhere and everywhere” hungry kids need us. We fed kids at our grocery drive-thru, at vaccine events, in church and school parking lots, in the classroom, at other nonprofits and community centers, in the heart of their neighborhoods, in their homes, and in their doctor’s offices. Thank You for making this possible.

To be honest, I struggled with what to write next, but then I looked up at the bulletin board above my desk where I keep little reminders about the work we do. I wish you could see the photo of three kids with huge, radiant smiles, holding up a full “take and bake” Thanksgiving dinner which was delivered right to their home. Or hear two young children leaning out of the car window
and gleefully screaming “strawberries” when they noticed them at our drive thru. Or read the note from the child who wrote us that “getting the food boxes feels like we won the lottery.” Or the note from a school social worker that wrote “you guys have stood with us during some challenging times with Hurricane Florence and COVID. Thank you!”

These mementos show that your support of NourishNC does more than feed kids – it nurtures the minds, bodies, and spirits of our community’s most valuable, yet vulnerable, asset. Thank you for standing with NourishNC and the children we serve.
Let’s continue to do great things together


Steve McCrossan

Check out the full report here!

Our vision is to be anywhere and everywhere hungry kids need us

NourishNC has three strategic programs specifically designed to provide nutritious food to hungry children in our community.

Click here to learn more about our Backpack Program

Backpack Program

The Backpack Program provides food insecure children, pre-K through 5th grade, with three nutritious meals a day, every weekend, and over every school break.

Click here to learn more about Market On Market program

Market On Market

The Market on Market (The MoM) is a full-service grocery store where food insecure children, pre-K through 12th grade, and their families can shop to choose the food that is best for them.

Click here to learn more about our Food Farmacy program

Food Farmacy

The Food Farmacy Program provides non-perishable and fresh food items through partner organizations such as schools, pediatrician offices, and other nonprofits.